After a long long time isn't it??
I have started a new web site with one of ma best friendz...I couldn't even mention about that 4 U guys...!!
I think now it's time to tell...!
www.SriView.com This is my web site.. :)
It's all about images...
Photography is our passion..& we know it's YOURS...
Sriview is a place that you can share and download pictures.Also you can exchange your stuff with others....!
It's the World of Captivating Photography...
SRIVIEW...!! The World of Images..!!
Join with Us...
Photography is our passion..& we know it's YOURS... but its not mine dont lie nevi
Sriview is a place that you can share and download pictures.I dont wana shair my pictures cos some people play around with them
Also you can exchange your stuff with others....!
yeah i can do that if u want me to do
It's the World of Captivating Photography...
is this only worl i dont think so
any way great work anyway i apreciate ur try, trying is better than do nothing hope this will lead u to something worth while and reliable and and and hummm ummm everything it suppose to be :D
We all are with you :)...