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Big Bang Theory

Hmm... let's get back to ma old track.. after a long long time...
This time I Thought to write something about BIG BANG THEORY..

Big Bang->>>The theory of an expanding universe that begins as an infinitely earthly and hot medium.
The theory is based on the mathematical equations, known as the field equations, of the general theory of relativity set forth in 1915 by Albert Einstein.

American astronomer Edwin Hubble provided some of the greatest supporting evidence for the theory with his discovery in 1929.The light of distant galaxies was universally shifted toward the red end of the spectrum.
This proved that the galaxies were moving away from each other. He found that galaxies farther away were moving away faster, showing that the universe is expanding uniformly.However, the universe's initial state was still unknown.

But this theory can be wrong... for an example take the Doppler effect.The Big Bang theory of the universe can be wrong because the cosmological red shift is due to the Compton effect rather than the Doppler effect.
just imagine ma friendzz...
Is Big Bang theory just a scientific attempt to safe the face of religious explanation of "God created everything" ?
It's up to U to DECIDE...!!!


dulanja said…
It's always cool 2 c a research of yours :D

Pretty interesting pal!

Keep it up...
Try this link it has a lot of details about "Big Bang".
I would say it's just another "science lie".Like every theory in science starts from a middle not from a base.
Tell me what would evolution be
god -> monkey -> man
monkey -> man -> god
i'd go for the second.
D. A. N. said…
Scientist assume the general public, such as myself, have no clue or are
less educated or inquisitive then they are.

They all have lied to us for our entire lives. The so called "sharpest minds" are lying to
themselves and everyone else. There are holes in your Big Bang theory. There is NO evidence at all for Evolution (macro) and scientists insists they are all right in there theories which they are not. 140 years ago they used to bleed people to cure them and the Bible in Leviticus 17:11 says that blood is life, that was over 2800 years ago.

Scientist religion of naturalism is so flawed. Lets start with Big Bang and how come no scientist in the world can answer the logical questions posed. They want to force feed us illogical theories.

Lets see of this is true for big bang theory,

big bang problem #1: Missing antimatter problem. (baryon number) How much in the universe, ZERO. One exception is not an answer either.

big bang problem #2: Monopoles problem. Batteries have +/- and at high temperatures greater then the core of a star can create singular poles and the big bang started at infinite temperature and that would be hot enough. Guess how many we find ZERO.

big bang problem #3: Singularity point problem. The Big Bang DOES NOT even explain the origin of the universe. How did that singular point get there?

You said "The theory is based on the mathematical equations," Really?

big bang problem #4:Known physics breaks down in this situation. General relativity powerful gravitational fields) and quantum mechanics (very small situation) exists separately but there is NO physics currently that can explain both situations at the same time which is what the Big Bang requires. Known physics cannot describe that (big bang) situation so big banger's take it on BLIND FAITH that if such physics is ever discovered that it would even allow for the theory of the big bang.

big bang problem #5: Population 3 stars there should be these type of first stars everywhere all over the universe. Any guess to how many are out there...ZERO! All stars have trace amounts of the heaver elements.

Now I will admit I had help (like Dr. Jason Lisle) for these points but science cannot explain there theories they try to teach the kids. Not mine because we are homeschooling our kids. These are things with no evidence, just assertions based on ignorance.

We don't need a PHD to smell a rotting fish now do we.

It all starts with a scientist's presupposition and that is why most are mislead into wrong assertions.

Go seek the truth, don't ask a scientist.
Amen for that yes science always have "BIG" holes.But Science helps god make his bright ideas come true.God said let there be light so scientists invented the bulb.Cool ain't it????? ;)
Marie Dubuque said…
Depending on the Doppler effect to determine that the universe is expanding is not comforting: Red shift questions
aviezab said…
You can see verse Ar- Rohman : 37
That Allah S.W.T said truly about BigBang before human.
Anonymous said…

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